The Foundation for Nursing Advancement in Massachusetts (FNAMA) is the charitable, professional, and scholarly arm of the American Nurses Association Massachusetts, Inc.
The purpose of the foundation is to advance the nursing profession through philanthropic activities that promote scholarship, nursing research, and innovation.
FNAMA was founded in 2020 as the research, education, and charitable affiliate of ANA Massachusetts. Since inception, we have sought to advance the nursing profession through raising funds for advances in research, education, and clinical practice to the benefit of the whole health care system.
The foundation relies on the generosity of its donors to achieve and expand on its mission and vision. Individuals, corporations, government agencies, and private foundations make it possible for us to undertake potentially life-changing research, support nurses and improve health care in the Commonwealth.
Foundation Bylaws, click here.
Have questions, need help?
Call us at 617-990-2856
Our Mission
The purpose of this foundation is to advance the nursing profession through philanthropic activities that promote scholarship, nursing research, and innovation.
Our Vision
Our vision is to achieve a healthy Commonwealth through the power of nursing, and this is more relevant today than ever. With the future of health care changing so dramatically, nurses can revolutionize the approach to care for the better.
The Foundation pursues this vision by:
Elevating the Profession of Nursing in the Commonwealth
Engaging All Nurses to Ensure Professional Success
Evolving the Practice of Nursing to Transform Health and Health Care,
Investing in the well-being and success of individual nurses while championing the nursing cause throughout the health care system
Fund scholarships to strengthen the nursing workforce, with more residents from underserved communities entering and advancing to leadership positions in the field
Support research to better understand how to eliminate discriminatory practices in nursing and how to cultivate self-efficacy
Endorse projects that promote self-care, resilience, equity, a healthy work environment, and ultimately, better patient outcomes