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We need YOU to help us build a healthy Commonwealth through the power of nursing!
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FNAMA relies on the generosity of our donors to achieve and expand on our mission and vision. Individuals, corporations, and private foundations make it possible for us to support nurses in the pursuit of nursing education, to innovate, conduct potentially life-changing research, and improve health care in the Commonwealth. Just as there are many kinds of nurses, there are many ways to give!
The Foundation for Nursing Advancement in Massachusetts, Inc, is a 501(c)3 organization (Tax ID #85-2237695). Your gift is tax-deductible for charitable purposes to the full extent allowed by law. Thank you in advance for your generosity! And a special thanks to our FNAMA Founding Donors, who made this organization possible.
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Provide opportunities for nurses to conduct research, participate in leadership development programs, and attend conferences. Please call 617-990-2856 or write to